Simulations & Exercises

Comprehensive & Themed Kinetic Cyber Experiences to train your teams

Our simulation and exercise experiences are available as either one-off events, or as a program over a period of time.

We offer a range of cyber games, simulations, capture the flag (CTF) events, and tabletop exercises for the purpose of promoting cyber education, providing gamified and kinetic trainings. These events can be tailored for technical practitioners and, or executive/strategic stakeholders.

Our cyber game solutions create fun, live-fire interactive training environments, using real world problems for your teams. We can combine these with workshop events to exercise your plans & playbooks including for Business Continuity (BCP), Disaster Recovery (DR), and Incident Response (IR).

WHITE ROOK Cyber also has a range of Advisory Services that complement these simulation and exercises. Such as, review and development
services for your current plans and playbooks prior to workshops and exercises – contact us to find out more.

Below are two of our WHITE ROOK Cyber simulation and exercise offerings. Contact us to discuss your ideas and specific scope requirements.

TLR Cyber War Games Solution – powered by

The Solution – TLR’s Cyber Range together with an automated and hackable Lego ™City.

WHITE ROOK Cyber is the exclusive Australian provider of TLR Cyber War Games (CWG). Developed by TLR Communications Pty Ltd (TLR), CWG is a kinetic cyber experience that combines a series of challenges in the form of a proprietary Cyber Range, together with an automated and hackable Lego ™City, designed to demonstrate real-world effects of cyber attacks.

Technical practitioners and strategic stakeholders alike get the opportunity to experience first hand what would otherwise be rare events in the cyber and physical realm. The CWG provides an ongoing training experience for individuals and managers to develop and practice a variety of skills.

These games are an amazing teaching tool to engage people in cyber security incidents through real-world simulated attacks on critical infrastructure and networks. Simulating high pressure and sophisticated real world attacks, we aim to re establish key cyber security fundamentals and build new skills through outside the box thinking.

The Cyber War Games gives the students/candidates a chance to increase their knowledge of cyber infrastructure, threat actors and the use of Incident Response.

Within the Cyber Range are a series of proprietary challenges based on vulnerabilities and attacks that have occurred public and private industry.

The capability and knowledge areas that the TLR challenges are designed to enhance include:

  • Network Reconnaissance and Network Exploitation,
  • Web Scanning and Web Exploitation including Cross Site Scripting and SQL Injection,
  • Social Engineering attacks,
  • PowerShell based “in memory” attacks,
  • Monitoring of systems to identify and respond to the above type of attacks (Blue Team function),
  • Use of custom-built monitoring systems, logging and alerting,
  • Use of manual log extraction and analysis where above monitoring system is not capturing required events (by design),
  • Along with key soft skills, such as collaboration, administration and teamwork.

The games are designed to be run as Red-Blue-White team exercises. Red and Blue are players, White are Game managers/controller. Within the base CWG solution, the Games will be conducted and controlled by the client. Customised solution formats are available, including a City v’s City CWG format.

Contact us for more information, or to discuss your Cyber War Games Solution.

*WHITE ROOK Cyber or any of the parties mentioned in this document are not affiliated with the LEGO™ Group. LEGO™ and the LEGO™ logo are trademarks of the LEGO™ Group. © 2022 The LEGO™ Group

Incident Response Workshops – Table Top Testing and Live-Fire Exercises

Your Incident Response Plan and Playbooks will be tested sooner or later, will this be during a real breach, or in a controlled test environment?

True cyber resilience can only be achieved through ongoing testing of your capability to detect and respond to security incidents.

Even organisations with incident response plans in place are finding that the time to resolve incidents is increasing. This is largely due to organisations not testing their incident response plans or exercising their playbooks, and finding that they can’t adequately address all the aspects of a genuine security incident.

Without scenario-based rehearsal and practice, panic and anxiety leads to poor decisions being made, departing from pre-planned actions and resulting in a chaotic and costly response.

A comprehensive incident testing program can expose gaps in even the most seemingly robust of cyber incident response plans.

By running tabletop and live-fire workshops that replicate incidents, business leadership can be assured team members will have the required understanding and skill to execute the IR plan and playbooks when they are needed in a live situation.

Our Incident Response Workshops & Exercises are facilitated by experienced responders that have seen time and again how badly incidents can be handled before they’re called in.

Tabletop and live-fire workshops can be carried out separately but have greater impact when performed together especially as part of an ongoing program.

Contact us for more information, or to discuss your Incident Response Workshop today.